
I’m a copywriter who

a) is damn excited

b) asks questions

c) makes lists?

Advertising is having a bit of a time, isn’t it? Ok, scratch that. We’re all having a bit of a time, aren’t we? Things are changing fast. The way we use to do things seems dusty and archaic. The way we do things now is being invented as we go.

Now you have to earn attention. You’d better be of use, be first, be entertaining, scratch an itch no one else can, or invent an itch that we didn’t know we needed to scratch until we did and it felt freakin’ amazing.

And I want in.
On all of it.

I’d love to join a bold, whip-smart team and dig in on that next thing you’re up to. If you have questions, want to see more work, or chat about your next project, get in touch.


What podcasts I’ve been listening to.


The happiness lab

Working it out

Off Leash


99% invisible

You are not so smart

Death, sex, & money

Good one

Terrible, thanks for asking

Twenty thousand hertz


What I’ve been reading.


Herding Tigers — Todd Henry

Creativity — John Cleese

Essentialism — Greg McKeown

The great mental models, vol 1 & 2 — Shane Parish, Rhiannon Beaubien

The chairs are where the people go — Misha Glouberman

What I’d say to the martians — Jack Handey


What I’ve been thinking about.


Organization systems, in the most literal sense. Related: striving for a capsule wardrobe vs the ease of online ordering.

The art of earning attention.

Do I, in fact, have as many hours in my day as Beyonce?

Coffee and coconut cream pie.


What you didn’t
know about me.


Everything. We just met.

I live in a power cat. That’s a boat. Before this, we use to live in a houseboat in the Scarborough Bluffs that didn’t move. This one is much more fun.

I’m a recovering em dash over-user, hate ellipses, and insist on oxford commas.

I sometimes call my dog Muffin, Duchess, Duncan, or Sweetcheeks. None of these are his name.


What’s at the bottom of the ball pit.
